Above (L-R): Stacey Frank, Dee Thompson, Jennifer Reed, Mary Lou Crocker, LPGA
On Friday, November 7th, approximately 100 women played in the 1st Annual Maulana Dotch Ladies Pro-Am at Cedar Crest Golf Course in Dallas, Texas.
Full of excitement from beginning to end, the ladies were greeted with a bag drop at the entrance; there was a formal welcome and demo by Ira McGraw Jr., General Manager of Cedar Crest Golf Course and Maulana Dotch, Director of Instruction at Cedar Crest Golf Course on the driving range. There was great golf on the course with lots of activities and surprises.
It was a wonderful sight to see all of the lady professional golfers, participants and sponsors. All were joined in one room for the awards and luncheon where they were welcomed by the Emcee, Donna Richardson Joyner.
The event not only helped raise money for a great cause, it also brought women together from all over the country to encourage and empower the game of golf. Golf professionals Oneda Castille and Avis Brown Riley traveled to Texas to support this historic event.
The 2nd Annual Maulana Dotch Ladies Pro-Am is scheduled for the first week of November 2015. Proceeds from this event will continue to support the LPGA Girls Golf program.