Home Blog Archives John H. Perry – August 2013

John H. Perry – August 2013

by Debert Cook

John-Perry_150John H. Perry

Blog: August 2013


While waiting in the Media Center at Merion, one begins to wonder is anybody gonna actually win this Open? Or is it just gonna be awarded to some poor “Survival Of The Fittest” soul? Everyone seems to be taking their lumps out there on the course. One thing’s for sure, one clear-cut winner is gonna be.

Merion Golf Club. Make no mistake about that. It might be small in statue, but it carries a devastating knock out punch; and, it has connected ‘upside the head’ of every golfer who dared to walk it’s fairways this week.

This 2013 U.S. Open will be remembered long after the likes of Tiger, Phil, Rory, Sergio, Els, Bubba, and Adam Scott have long moved on to Champions Tour status. There are those who complained that Merion wasn’t fair, had been over manipulated and tweaked to a fault. Hey guys, what do you want? This is the National Open, isn’t it? Put your big boy britches on, and stop your whining.

U.S. Opens are “supposed” to separate the men from the boys.

The 113th U.S. Open was one of the most grueling four days golf has ever seen. And with a packed leaderboard heading into the final day, America’s major championship came down to the wire, as Justin Rose seized the win. However, If Merion was a man, Happy Father’s Day would’ve been appropriate and well served.

Mardell_Albert_Childs_US-Open-Finale_2013Left: 76-year year old Albert Childs and his wife Mardell attended Sunday’s finale at Merion Golf Club.

This was the first Open experience for the Philadelphia residents. They’re both big-time Phillies and Eagles fans (no surprise here). Albert’s an 18 handicapper. Mardell plays occasionally at the historically famous Cobbs Creek Golf Course—It’s a little more than a driver and a four iron away from Merion, designed history goes back to the days of Joe Louis, Teddy Rhodes, Charlie Sifford, Howard Wheeler by the same architect who created Merion, Hugh Wilson. Cobbs Creek’s, Otis Thorpe and many other UGA professional black golfers, who once walked it’s fairways in fierce competition.

johnperryblog_greg_lane_myles_laneWhile walking the fairways of Hurricane Merion, as I like to call her, I ran into Greg Lane and his great, great, nephew Myles Lane (photo left).

My rationale for referring to Merion as a hurricane is because all hurricanes have women names, pack a strong punch, and leaves plenty of devastation in it’s path. That’s exactly what she did at the 2013 U S Open.

Greg and his nephew were there taking in the sights. Greg is 52-years old, and Myles is 18. It was Myles first exposure to professional golf of any kind. On the other hand, uncle Greg was a seasoned spectator, having attended U S Opens in 05, 07, 09, 11, & now 13. Greg is a 20 handicapper. Myles plans to take the game up soon. They both reside in Newark, DE.

johnperryblog_jennifer_jonesSecurity worker contractor Jennifer Jones was also on hand and enjoying her first U.S. Open.

Jennifer is 45 years old and has been a Delaware County Police employee for 15 years. She resides in Wilmington, DE. She’s a non-golfer, but is starting to understand the game and looking forward to taking it up one day. Jennifer has a quick wit, enjoys being outdoors and meeting people. She is also a die hard Eagles fan. Her favorite player: Michael Vicks.

Well, I hope that you all enjoyed this round and my perspective! Write to me and let me know!!

Until next month,

John H. Perry
Email:  johnpgolf@icloud.com

John Perry is a freelance writer, poet and active golfer with a passion for calling shots like he sees them and, then, telling it like it is. He resides in Vauxhall, NJ.

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