Home News African American Golf EXPO and Forum Launches Inaugural Community Service Project At Rivera Beach Heights Community Garden

African American Golf EXPO and Forum Launches Inaugural Community Service Project At Rivera Beach Heights Community Garden

by AAGD Staff

(June 5, 2024) — Jim Beatty, founder of the African American Golf EXPO and Forum is proud to announce its inaugural community service project, set to take place at the Rivera Beach Heights Community Garden. This initiative reflects the EXPO’s commitment of giving back to the host community and fostering a spirit of collaboration and environmental stewardship. Volunteers from the community, the EXPO participants, sponsors, and staff, will join forces to enhance the garden’s grounds and facilities, ensuring it remains a vibrant space for all residents to enjoy. The project will be held Friday, August 23, 8:30AM  to 11:00AM. The Garden is located at 1010 10th Street, Riviera Beach, Fla.

Alisha Hall is the Master Gardener of the facility.  See the video below to learn more about the Riviera Beach Community Garden.

Those wishing to volunteer for the project should  contact Jim Beatty at jim@jimbeattygolfventures.com

The African American Golf EXPO and Forum will be held Aug 24 -27 at the Palm Beach Gardens Marriott and will include exhibits and workshops relating to history, jobs, careers and business opportunities for all people of color in the $102 Billion golf industry.

The exhibit hall is free and open to the public to those age 18 and over. The workshops, networking events and awards luncheon are included in the events $99.00 registration fee. Everyone must register at www.aagolfexpo.com or https://www.eventbrite.com/e/african-american-golf-expo-and-forum-2024-tickets-755227605097

For more information, please contact Jim Beatty at 402-415-9615.

About The Rivera Beach Community Garden

The  mission is to improve the economic, physical, mental and social health of our community through community gardening. We strive to broaden knowledge of our food system, organic gardening and to increase consumption of organic, fresh, fruits and vegetables. We seek to increase community wealth and opportunity through empowerment, education and through the employment of youth facing economic, social or other challenges.

The Riviera Beach Heights Community Garden will also serve the community as a gathering place, horticultural resource and a source of pride and inspiration. We strive to offer programs that will foster healthy eating habits and lifestyles. We will introduce our community to a variety of fruits and vegetables and provide programming to show a variety of ways to cook in a way that is healthy and delicious for the whole family.

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