June 10, 2021 | BY AAGD STAFF
It’s a sticky situation for two-time major winner Angel ‘Pato’ Cabrera, one of the most successful Latin Americans to play professional golf. Cabrera was extradited on Tuesday from Brazil to his native Argentina to face domestic violence accusations brought by several women, reports aft.com.
Cabrera plays on both the European Tour and PGA Tour and he is known affectionately as “El Pato” in Spanish for his waddling gait. He has won the 2007 US Open and 2009 Masters. Cabrera was arrested in Rio de Janeiro in January of this year at Argentina’s request, accused of violence against his partner, an ex-partner and his ex-wife.
It was reported that 51-year-old Cabrera and another Argentine, age 42, who faces femicide charges, were both handed over to Argentine authorities at a border bridge in the city of Foz do Iguacu, federal police said.
The statement did not identify them, but a source close to the investigation told AFP one of the men was Cabrera. A Brazilian court authorized Cabrera’s extradition in May. He has denied wrongdoing.
This is not the first arrest go-round for alleged acts of violence by Cabrera. In February 2017 the New York Post reported the golf champion was accused of trying to run down his ex-girlfriend with a van. The former Masters and US Open champion was investigated for allegedly causing “minor injuries” to Cecilia Torres Mana.
Mana had accused Cabrera of striking her, threatening her and then attempting to run her over with a van. A spokeswoman for the prosecutor’s office in Cordoba, western Argentina, said that Cabrera had been interviewed and released. These events are alleged to have taken place on Dec. 21 in the city of Villa Allende, in the western province of Cordoba, where both resided.