Home News Anthony T. Browder to Lead June 5th Webinar on Nile Valley Origins of Christianity

Anthony T. Browder to Lead June 5th Webinar on Nile Valley Origins of Christianity

by Debert Cook
Anthony T. Browder

Anthony T. Browder


May 29, 2020 —Anthony T. Browder, world-renowned author, publisher, cultural historian, artist, and educational consultant invites the public to join him in a live webinar discussion on the topic: African roots of Christianity.  During the online session, attendees will learn how to “restore rituals, values and principles that will benefit us today. ”

The virtual event will be held on Fri, June 5, 2020 from 7:00 PM – 10:30 PM (EDT).  Online registration is available at EventBrite.com


Topics discussed during the webinar include:

• Finding Life lessons in Myths

• Cultivating the “Aset Principle”

• Amplifying the power of Meditation, Prayer and Positive Thought

• Ancestral Acknowledgement

• Developing altars and “Spirit Doors”

NOTE: Q&A will occur from 10:00-10:30pm

“In order to accommodate the growing interest in this webinar series we have expanded our Zoom preferences to accommodate 1000 participants for June 5 and encourage everyone to sign up early. If we find that registrations are close to exceeding our new limit, we will expand our Zoom preferences to meet the growing demand. You can help us by registering early and encouraging friends and family to do the same,” said Browder.

Anthony Browder-2

Browder is a graduate of Howard University’s College of Fine Arts and has lectured extensively throughout the United States, Africa, Caribbean, Mexico, Japan and Europe, on issues related to African and African American History and Culture.  As founder and director of IKG Cultural Resources, an educational organization devoted to the re-discovery and application of ancient African history, culture and wisdom.  He has devoted 30 years researching ancient Egyptian history, science, philosophy and culture.  Browder’s expertise in egyptology is extensive, making research ventures of more than 54 times since 1980 to the country.

Browder is author of six publications (including the best sellers, From the Browder File and Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization) and the co-author of six publications, including two written with his now 35-year-old daughter, Atlantis Tye. All of Mr. Browder’s publications are currently being used in classrooms around the world.

Anthony “Tony” Browder is an autodidact and describes himself a chronicler of facts and information relative to the positive portrayal of the worldwide African experience

Serving as director of the ASA Restoration Project, which is funding the excavation and restoration of the 25th dynasty tomb of Karakhamun in Luxor, Egypt. Browder is the first African American to fund and coordinate an archeological dig in Egypt and has conducted 23 archeological missions to Egypt since 2009.

Mr. Browder’s three decades of study have led him to the conclusion that ancient Africans were the architects of civilization and developed the rudiments of what has become the scientific, religious, and philosophical backbone of mankind. It is from this framework that IKG has concentrated its research and disseminated its findings.

Through IKG, Mr. Browder sponsors lectures, seminars, cultural field trips of Washington, D.C., publishes his research, and has conducted study tours to Egypt, West Africa, South Africa and Mexico since 1987.

IKG is an educational organization that is devoted to the re-discovery and application of ancient African history, culture and wisdom. It was founded in 1981 by “Cultural Memory Specialist” Anthony T. Browder who sought to challenge the distorted perceptions of Africa that are perpetuated in the media and in classrooms worldwide.

As the architects of civilization, ancient Africans developed the humanizing principles which established the foundation for world civilization. It is within this framework that IKG concentrates its research and disseminates its findings in an effort to demystify history and present knowledge that can be readily applied in a practical and personal manner.

On May 1, IKG conducted its first webinar, Nile Valley Origins of Christianity, which was planned as an “introduction” to an expansive and complex topic. Unfortunately for some, attendance for this webinar maxed out at 500 persons, and dozens were unable to attend, while those fortunate enough to register were treated to a transformative five- and one-half hour presentation.

As a result of the feedback we received from those who were and were not able to participate in the May 1 webinar, Browder made two decisions:

1. Schedule a Nile Valley Origins of Christianity – Pt. 2 webinar for June 5, and
2. Provide a digital download of the May 1 webinar available on the IKG website.

The goal of IKG is to provide Information and Knowledge that leads to Growth when properly applied. We pledge to continue to provide our supporters with invaluable information that has practical applications, and we encourage everyone to use this time of “sheltering in place” to read, study and free your minds. 

For more information visit the IDK Cultural Resource Center at https://ikgculturalresourcecenter.com/

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