Home News Biden vs. Trump Presidential Debate Delivers The Ultimate Golf Handicap Smackdown Nobody Saw Coming

Biden vs. Trump Presidential Debate Delivers The Ultimate Golf Handicap Smackdown Nobody Saw Coming

by AAGD Staff
Trump-Biden-golf handicap

One of the most pressing issues to emerge from the first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle had absolutely nothing to do with politics. Instead, viewers have been obsessing over this golf-related bombshell: Is Joe Biden really a 6 handicap?

On Thursday, during the first debate ahead of the 2024 presidential election, Biden claimed he had lowered his handicap to a 6 while serving as Vice President. Former U.S. President Donald Trump wasn’t convinced, but it turns out Biden might have been onto something. Internet detectives uncovered Biden’s official GHIN account and handicap index after the debate.

His current index? A mind-blowing 6.7.

“He actually was a 6.7. Didn’t know that,” one X user @cdolan92 commented, likely while rethinking their own golf skills. The golf world collectively dropped its jaw over Biden’s handicap revelation post-debate.

“I’m a 6.7 handicap. Joe Biden is a better golfer than I am. F*ck,” lamented Josh @UofAJaC. “joe biden usga handicap is 6.7 according to ghin. hasn’t posted a score since 2018 so i don’t buy he is currently a 8 handicap,” another X user skeptically posted. “Checked GHIN. Biden’s a 6.7 but no new scores entered since 2018. Game could be anywhere now,” Jim noted, casting doubt on Biden’s current abilities. “No chance biden is a 6.7 right now. I’d put money down I could beat him right now and I’m a 15,” Jeff confidently asserted.

Meanwhile, the official GHIN app shows former U.S. President Donald Trump currently boasts a 2.5 handicap index.

So, would you challenge either presidential candidate at their reported handicaps? Let us know in the comments and brace yourself for the most unexpected golf showdown of the century.

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