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Black-Owned Coffee Company BLK &Bold Surges By Giving Back

by AAGD Staff
Pernell Cezar and Rod Johnson, founders of BLK & Bold instagram: @blkandbold

Pernell Cezar and Rod Johnson, founders of BLK & Bold instagram: @blkandbold


May 21, 2020 —Finding a way to make a domestic social impact that is accessible to both consumers and partners is a challenge, mostly because of the operational initiatives needed to bring together relevant communities.  Even harder is the dedication of giving back 5% of the profits gained to support at-risk youth across communities and across the nation.  Stepping up to this challenge is Rod Johnson and Pernell Cezar, founders of BLK & Bold, a Black-owned coffee company that they created from their headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa, a year and a half ago.


Pernell Cezar cupping a batch of BLK & Bold coffee

The Market For Coffee

Roughly 64% of Americans start their day with a cup of coffee, according to Reuters.  With this information, Rod and Pernell examined the situation and they noticed a lack of representation in an already booming industry.  So, they responded by building their company, BLK & Bold, with the purpose of returning 5% of proceeds to helping social causes such as helping to eradicate youth homelessness and addressing food insecurities.

“We really wanted to find a way to impact that vulnerable demographic by doing something we do every day, which is enjoying a cup of coffee or tea,” Cezar told BlackEnterprise.com. “The vision of the brand goes back to amplifying contribution and awareness of how for-profit can be this engine for domestic impact.”

Pernell Cezar and Rod Johnson, founders of BLK & Bold instagram: @blkandbold

Pernell Cezar and Rod Johnson, founders of BLK & Bold instagram: @blkandbold

Rod and Pernell personally take charge of all aspects of their company and they are fully involved in daily operations.  Their work is intensive while identifying importers, roasting product, sampling and tasting the product (known as the formal practice of cupping), as well as packaging and distribution.  Their work takes place at their facilities located in Des Moines, Iowa.

BLK & Bold brand’s of specialty coffees officially launched in Whole Foods Market and Amazon a few weeks ago and it continues to expand in new territories through the mega-retailer.  Looking toward the future, the partners plan to expand their Fair-trade; organic, coffees, and loose leaf teas with specialty beverages, which will include single-serve coffee bags in compostable packaging and ready-to-drink beverages.

Pernell Cezar and Rod Johnson, founders of BLK & Bold instagram: @blkandbold

Pernell Cezar and Rod Johnson, founders of BLK & Bold instagram: @blkandbold

The BLK & Bold brand offers premium coffees and teas while addressing voids resonant with the industry and culture. Rooted in quality, convenience, community, and diversity, BLK & Bold products can be found in stores across the country.

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