Jim Beatty, organizer of the African American Golf EXPO and Forum named Denise Howard as honorary chair of the inaugural community service project at the Riviera Beach Community Gardens. Denise is a lifelong Chicagoan who now resides in Kissimmee, Florida with her husband Nathaniel. She has been an active gardener for over 50 years. Her vast array of plants includes some that are over 45 years old.
Denise and Nathaniel Howard have been attending the EXPO since 2022. According to Denise, “Nate and I have learned so much about golf and the history of African Americans in the $102 Billion golf industry. We support the mission of the EXPO and encourage everyone to attend. I am flattered to become involved in the inaugural EXPO community service project and hope that many volunteers will join us on Friday, Aug. 23 from 2:00pm-5:00pm to work in the Riviera Beach Community Gardens. I look forward to sharing my knowledge of plants and successful gardening”
The mission of this event is to make African Americans aware of the jobs, careers, and business opportunities in the $102 Billion Golf industry.
African Americans represent less than 3% of the industry.
History: The EXPO started in 2021 and has been held in Atlanta, GA, Charlotte, NC and Louisville, KY. Over 1500 people have attended with an economic impact approaching $2M. The EXPO Founder and Organizer is Jim Beatty Golf Ventures.
The EXPO 2024 dates are Friday , August 23 -Tuesday, August 27, in Palm Beach, Fl at the Palm Beach Gardens Marriott, 4000 RCA Blvd. Palm Beach Gardens, FL
There is a special inaugural EXPO Community Service Project being held at 2:00 PM on Aug. 23 at the Riviera Beach Community Gardens located at 1010 West 10th Street, Riviera Beach, Florida in which the community is invited to attend and volunteer.
Website: www.aagolfexpo.com/register-here Information is updated daily
The cost is $99 to attend all exhibits, nightly networking sessions and the Tuesday awards luncheon. The EXPO is free for adults 18 and over for those wanting to go to the exhibits only.
Everyone must register. Non-golfers and new golfers of all ages are welcome.
There will be over 50 exhibitors. Sponsors include Golf Digest, American Junior Golf Association, PGA of America, The African American Golfer’s Digest, The PGA Tour Superstore, Sweet Home Alabama, The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, Club Car, Golf Pride,Reed Exhibitions, The American Golf Industry Coalition, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Palm Beach County Business Development Board, Invited Clubs ,NCS International, Golf My Future My Game, National Golf Player Development Foundation, Lion’s Gate Security Solutions, Dunlop Sports Americas, Design Apparel, This is Good Water, Fore Golf Collections, Inner City Youth Golfers Inc. and the African American Golfers Museum.