By Gladys Lee
On behalf of Rev. Dr Sheron Patterson, president DFW Fairway Divas Women Golf Association, Maulana Dotch LPGA/PGA Class A, Head Professional, Cedar Crest Golf Course, and yours truly, Gladys M. Lee LPGA Class A, founder, Roaring Lambs Jr. Golf Academy and Founder, DFW Fairway Divas Womens Golf, I congratulate, salute, and thank Sam Puryear for writing and publishing his new book “Diamonds in The Rough.”
I just received my book yesterday and I can not put it down! I am on a vicarious journey with Sam. The true story tells how he took a job in the most dangerous neighborhood in Atlanta and, with limited budget, becomes “The Blue Nile” of raw, uncut, rough gems grooming young boys to become men.
Sam shares his faith in God and love for his family that gave him the strength and inspiration to figuratively become a skillful gemologist, and a golf coach for the East Lake Foundation at Charley Yates Golf Course in Atlanta (GA). Sam recognized the voice of God and knew he was called to do more than babysit kids in after school programs while trying to teach golf.

Samuel Puryear Jr. is currently Head Men’s and Women’s Golf Coach. at Howard University in Washington, DC. Puryear’s 12-year coaching career includes Stanford University, Michigan State University and Queens University of Charlotte.
Expert Training Skills
His expert training and skills as a champion golfer prepared him for a portion of the assignment on his journey called life. The other portion was the anointing of God that prepared him and gave him experiences which allowed him to polish and smooth the rough edges of raw uncut gems at East Lake.
I love books! I own and have read just about every book that tells our stories in the “Wonderful World of Golf,” i.e. Dr. Calvin Sinnett, Renee Powell, Charlie Sifford, Pete McDaniel, Ramona Harriet, JC Calloway, Judy Bell, Marilynn Smith, Kathy Whitworth, Debert Cook, Debbie Waitkus, Christina Ricci, Robin Aikens, Avis Brown-Riley, Robert”Rock” Robinson, Marvin P. Dawkins, and Graham C. Kinloch. These are just a few of the best books—not counting the hundreds of instructional books and periodicals written on the subject and life of golf.
I’ve been privileged to peruse many books and thanks to Dr. Calvin Sinnett’s “Forbidden Fairways“; Judy Bell’s “Breaking the Mold”; King of Swing Glennon Bazzle’s “Anatomy of the Golf Swing“; Debbie Waitkus’ “Get Your Golf On”; and Marilynn Smith’s “Have Clubs will Travel,” all who donated their books to my program for the Roaring Lambs Jr. Golf Academy. The books were added to our golf curriculum making them required reading for the students.
After reading “Diamonds in The Rough,” this beautifully detailed, inspired piece of art, will certainly take its place on the shelf as required reading for all my students, adults and juniors. This book is a best-seller worthy of all literary awards and a positive for the making of a movie!
Thank you Sam, for all you have done and still continue to do to make us proud to “Keep it Moving, while Keep on Keeping On!” “Salt and Light” A Gentle Plan to Radically Improve the World! Now that the raw uncut rough gems have been polished, smoothed, and have become sparkling diamonds, it is up to all of us —and our responsiblity—to show them where to shine!
God bless and continued success.
Coach Gladys M. Lee
LPGA Professional Teacher & Coach
Founder/Executive Director, Roaring Lambs International Junior Golf Academy