by Debert Cook


We need your support.

Join us as AAGD Fan Club MEMBER with your support by making a donation of ANY AMOUNT.  

Or, please consider joining our Publisher’s Circle by making a donation of $1,500, or more, and we will provide you with a lifetime subscription to the African American Golfer’s Digest. 

All donations will be recognized in our publication (unless otherwise stated by the contributor) with a special “Thank You From The Publisher” message in an issue of the magazine, as our way of saying how very much your contribution is appreciated.

These opportunities to support the African American Golfer’s Digest is ideal for individuals or organizations who seek to leave a legacy of contribution while supporting our publishing efforts.

As an independently published, 100% minority-owned, and woman-owned business, the African American Golfer’s Digest needs all levels of support.  Your donation helps us pay our vendors, writers, editors, photographers, suppliers, and produce our public programs and events while we continue to publish and share news and information on the active lifestyle of Black golfers.

Together, we can do this!  We hope you will join us with your support.  For any questions, we are happy to discuss having your support, please simply contact our Publisher, Debert Cook at (212) 571-6559.

Stay in the loop!