Home Golfer Of The Week Eddie (Ed) Manderville Golf’s Devotee

Eddie (Ed) Manderville Golf’s Devotee

by Debert Cook


Ed Manderville

(August 29, 2013)–Edward Manderville pulls no punches when it comes to his golf. A devoted player, he lives and breathes the game like there’s no tomorrow.

Ed_Manderville-6Born and bred in Minneapolis, Minnesota, a climate of extremes, Ed recalls how he was first introduced to golf, “It was back in 1959, by a landlord,” he says. Ed took the game to heart, right away, playing, practicing, competing, and strolling many of the area greens. Today, he’s got 17-years under his belt as a member of the Rush Creek Golf Club, and carries a 9.8 handicap.

The fun-loving golf enthusiast is a firm believer in long-term relationships and developing everything to its fullest. Just ask the strong partner by his side, his loving wife, Lorraine, of 53-years. She’s a testament to that fact. The couple has remained active throughout the local community area, raised their daughter, Shauntell—now an adult, all while successfully managing to continue teeing-it-up on the golf course. They have enjoyed countless rounds together.

Ed_Manderville-5“I get out, playing with a number of difference foursomes, daily, in the summer,” says Ed, a retired buildings inspector who worked for the city of Minneapolis.

“Maple Grove is my home course and, over there, we have plenty of competitions, and lots of great camaraderie.”

An 18-hole championship golf course, Maple Grove has hosted many national events including 3 LPGA events and the 2004 U.S. Amateur Public Links Championship. In addition, Rush Creek has been named “Best Public Golf Course In The City” by Forbes contributor Larry Olmsted and voted “Best Public Golf Course” in 2001 and 2002 by Citysearch.com. So, now we see why Ed’s game is continually gaining ground.

Along with enjoying a good round of competition. Ed has also actually qualified and played in several outstanding tournaments including the US Senior Open, the US Senior Amateur, the State Senior Publinx, and the State Senior Tour. Not bad, for someone who’s ‘self taught’. Recently, on August 9th, Ed hit two hole-in-ones, back to back, on holes #7 and #8 at the Theodore Writh Golf Course in Minneapolis.

Sometimes older golfers may feel like they’ve already reached their summit in the game and they can’t get any better (or worse) while in truth, more and more senior players are upping their confidence, entering tournaments and placing more focus on strenghtening any weak game points.

Ed_Manderville-4“Consistency is my biggest challenge in this game,” admits Ed. And, following his line of thinking, most golfers would probably agree here—there is much to be said for properly squaring the clubface to your target line; positioning your feet and body to the clubface; practicing like you play; gripping–but not to tightly, and lots more. Without a doubt, many golfers can identify with Ed here.

“But this all keeps me motivated,” he says.

For 81-year old Ed, the outdoors is his second home. He is most comfortable under a wide-open sky and loves the beauty and innocense of nature. When he is not out playing golf, you can most likely find him engaged with in developing his skills in either archery, skiing, hunting or fishing; however, golf gets his attention most of the time. And it shows, because during his golf lifecycle he’s had an astounding 10 hole-in-one’s:

Ed_Manderville-3-Theodore Wirth Regulation Course
Minneapolis, MN (3 times)

-Theodore Wirth Regulation Course
Minneapolis, MN (3 times)

-Encanto Golf Course
Phoenix, AZ (1 time)

-Foxhollow Golf Course
St Micheals, MN (1 time)

-Hiawatha Golf Course,
Minneapolis, MN (1 time)

-Classic at Maddens
Brainerd, MN (1 time)

(Above: Ed Manderville, 10 hole-in-one’s) Be it skill, luck, or a combination of both; now, let’s see who can top that!

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