Home News EPA/T-Ball Auction Opens: Achieving success despite the struggle is a form of the fight​

EPA/T-Ball Auction Opens: Achieving success despite the struggle is a form of the fight​

by Debert Cook

November 23, 2020 | BY AAGD STAFF

Over the past 28 years, the East Palo Alto / Las Vegas T-Ball League (EPA/T-Ball) has constituted a combined effort of dedicated professionals working along with parents, coaches, athletes, and business owners (local and national) to help athletes become better athletes who ultimately become better people. “We use athletics to help our kids understand the impact of sports and using it as a tool to further your life goals,” said Founder and Coach Gene Tate. 

To aid in its mission, the EPA/T-Ball’s Annual Golf Classic was started several years ago. The very popular event tends to attract an array of sports celebrities and legends from the NFL, NBA, and MLB. The effort brings in funds which help the EPA/T-Ball program to run smoothly each year, which includes but isn’t limited to, practices, games, equipment for the baseball season, as well as field trips to colleges/universities, resorts/casinos, and other businesses in the area for career exploration.

Auction items may be viewed and bid on at

Unfortunately, this year the organization had to cancel its Annual Golf Classic due to the COVID pandemic with a desire to keep everyone safe. In lieu of this, EPA/T-Ball hopes to raise funds by conducting an auction to assist with their fundraising goals.

“We hope to see and/or to meet you in the future at one of our events or at the season opener. We thank you all from afar for your commitment in supporting our youth!” commented Coach Tate.

In addition to 1,500+ free audio-video and printable tips and tools at www.EPADevZone.org, PCA has partnered with roughly 3,500 schools and youth sports organizations nationwide to deliver live group workshops, online courses and books by EPA Founder Gene Tate that help those involved in youth and high school sports create a positive, character-building youth sports culture.

EPA-Tball & Badeball have reached more than 100,000 THOUSAND youth over the course of 26 years.

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