Home Black Jewels Ladies Golf Association Annual Meet & Greet

Black Jewels Ladies Golf Association Annual Meet & Greet

by Debert Cook

Date(s) - 04/24/2016
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Flatbush Farm

bjlga meet-greet-600

Please RSVP by April 15!!!!

$30.00 per person
Please make check or money order payable to: 

Black Jewels Ladies Golf Association. 
Please mail to: 
BJLGA Brooklyn Chapter 
PO Box 170557
Brooklyn, NY 11217

or use:

Chase QuickPay
1. Log on to chase.com/MyChase
2. Click on Chase QuickPay Enroll and follow the enrollment steps.
3. Use QuickPay from your mobile device or use chase.com
4. Send to: blackjewelsladiesgolfbrooklyn@gmail.com

We are excited and hope that you will join us on April 24th as we kick off the 2016 golf season.

Fun, Food and Fellowship! Door Prizes!

Invite family and friends! 

I look forward to welcoming you at  our Annual Meet & Greet.

See you soon!
Coran James
Email: coran87@aol.com


Stay in the loop!