Home Celebrity Golf Tournament with Chris Tucker Foundation and New Life COGIC

Celebrity Golf Tournament with Chris Tucker Foundation and New Life COGIC

by Debert Cook

Date(s) - 08/29/2014
All Day

Browns Mill Golf Course

August 29: The Chris Tucker Foundation in conjunction with New Life Tabernacle Church of God in Christ, Atlanta, Ga., will be hosting an exciting celebrity golf tournament.

Funds raised from the golf tournament will go into a scholarship fund and will be used to assist kids in the surrounding area with college attendance.

The tournament format will be Team Best Ball and have a Shotgun Start at 12pm followed by an Awards Dinner at 6pm.

Entry fee includes all golf fees, lunch, goodie bag, and dinner.

Cash prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place teams.

Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin, Ladies and Men will be given a trophy.

Register TODAY!!! $125 per golfer before 8/1/2014, after the deadline and on-site the fee will be $150.

You don’t have to put together a team to play!

We encourage you to register early… you may be paired up with a Celebrity team mate, so the earlier the better.

All are invited to play and non-golfers can join the Award Dinner for $40 per person.

For questions please call Dwayne Stocks at 404-569-2474

Email:  golfwithnewlife@gmail.com

TO REGISTER click here

For more information visit: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/celebrity-golf-tournament-with-chris-tucker-foundation-and-new-life-cogic-tickets-11764462825?aff=es2&rank=0 http://ow.ly/zFjEK http://ow.ly/i/6n5r5


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