Home EPA T-Ball and Pitching Machine 30th Anniversary

EPA T-Ball and Pitching Machine 30th Anniversary

by AAGD Staff

Date(s) - 03/26/2022
9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Jack Farrow Park

The East Palo Alto/Las Vegas T-Ball and Pitching Machine League is a baseball league that teaches youth from East Palo Alto, CA and Las Vegas, NV about the fundamentals of baseball. The league promotes sportsmanship and teamwork; however, unlike many other leagues in the country, it places more emphasis on education and community pride than on the sport. We are extremely excited to host events and golf outings as a part of our fundraising efforts under our leader and Founder Coach Gene Tate.  Please contact Coach Tate at (650) 630-1826 to discuss how you can support our efforts or visit https://www.epatball.org

EPA T-Ball 30th Anniversary