Home EPA T-Ball/Pitching Machine 17th Annual Golf Classic, Dinner & Dance

EPA T-Ball/Pitching Machine 17th Annual Golf Classic, Dinner & Dance

by AAGD Staff

Date(s) - 10/27/2023 - 10/29/2023
All Day

Legacy Golf Club

Register now by contacting
Coach Gene Tate at (408) 515-7489
or email: tatea1@yahoo.com


In addition to 1,500+ free audio-video and printable tips and tools at www.EPADevZone.org, PCA has partnered with roughly 3,500 schools and youth sports organizations nationwide to deliver live group workshops, online courses and books by EPA Founder Gene Tate that help those involved in youth and high school sports create a positive, character-building youth sports culture.

EPA-Tball & Badeball have reached more than 100,000 THOUSAND youth over the course of 26 years. The vision is expressed in coach Gene Tate, “We can transform the future” by impacting the experience of the youth within our communities we live in. If we develop Better Athletes we create Better People and it’s people who ultimately change the communities.   Learn more about how you can support us at https://www.epatball.org/

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