Home National Epicureans, Inc. (Decatur Chapter) 2nd Annual Golf Tournament

National Epicureans, Inc. (Decatur Chapter) 2nd Annual Golf Tournament

by Debert Cook

Date(s) - 05/09/2016
8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Cherokee Run Golf Course


cherokee runEvent Schedule

8:00 a.m.   Registration/Driving Range

8:00 a.m.   Continental Breakfast

9:00 a.m.   Shotgun Start

2:00 p.m.   Awards Banquet


National Epicureans, Incorporated, formerly known as the “Epicureans”, organized in 1944 in Richmond, Virginia by a group of young women who were high school and college friends.

The Richmond Epicureans applied for a charter on March 28, 1951 and became the National Epicureans, Inc. The charter was issued by the State of Virginia on February 13, 1952.

The overall purpose of this organization is to inspire its members to a high moral, intellectual, social and civic standing – and, to that end, it shall have the power to promote and sponsor social, cultural, literary and charitable affairs.

The Decatur Chapter of Epicureans was formed in 2009 with Brenda Broadnax and Vyvyan Dean as founders. We began our chapter with ten (10) charter members. Our members are called Eppies and our spouses are called Eppos.

National Project:                                          

Our National Project is to provide financial assistance and support to The National Sickle Cell Foundation through our local affiliate.

National Colors: The colors of National Epicureans, Incorporated are ebony and ivory (black & white).

National Flower: The flower of National Epicureans, Incorporated is the red rose.

Decatur Epicureans Officers:

Flossie Varner, President
Brenda Broadnax, Vice President
Claudia G. Lawson, Treasurer
Gloria Thompson, Secretary

Decatur Eppos Officers
Evan W. Lawson, President
Enoch Peters, Treasurer

Sponsorship Opportunities
____  Team w/Hole Sponsor          $500
____  Team (4)                                  $400
____  Individual                                $100
____  Hole Sponsor                          $125
____ Closest to the Pin                    $125
____ Longest Drive                          $125


Other Sponsorship Opportunities
____ Beverage Cart                           $400
____ Breakfast                                   $500
____ Lunch                                         $500


Individual Player

Name        _________________________________________

Company  _________________________________________

Address    _________________________________________

Phone        _________________________________________

Email        _________________________________________


Foursome: $400

  1. Name   _________________________________________

Company  _________________________________________

Address    _________________________________________

Email        _________________________________________


  1. Name _________________________________________

Company _________________________________________

Address    _________________________________________

Email        _________________________________________


  1. Name _________________________________________

Company _________________________________________

Address    _________________________________________

Email        _________________________________________


  1. Name _________________________________________

Company  _________________________________________

Address    _________________________________________

Email        _________________________________________

Mail payments to:

National Epicureans, Inc
Decatur Chapter
3691 Brown Drive
Decatur, GA 30034
 Contacts: Evan W. Lawson  404-376-4816

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