Home 2nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament

2nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament

by Debert Cook

Date(s) - 11/05/2016
7:00 am - 7:00 pm

Country Club of Miami



The Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals (OBAP) South Florida Chapter is delighted to host the 2nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament. (Formerly known as the Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament).

This year’s primary beneficiaries are once again the OBAP South Florida Chapter and Operation SAFEE FLIGHT; who are committed to promoting aviation and STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) education to the youth of South Florida. In addition, this year we have partnered with The Arc of South; a local non-profit, founded in 1953 by a group of concerned parents. The Arc of South Florida serves the over 60,000 Miami-Dade County citizens with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

2015 Scholarship Recipient Yolanda Kelly.

2015 Scholarship Recipient Yolanda Kelly.

Our goal this year is to raise scholarship funds to be awarded in 2017 to students graduating from high school and those enrolled in higher education pursuing a STEM discipline and to provide educational funds for The Arc’s Adult and Children’s programs.

We like to say “It’s not just about Pilots!” and together our agency’s missions and visions are to enhance, advance and promote educational opportunities in aerospace, and to develop and sustain a process for mentoring of youth from cradle to career.

The Second Annual Charity Golf Tournament will be held at the Country Club of Miami (Miami, FL.) on Saturday, November 5th, 2016. The day will begin with registration and a breakfast at 7:00 am and tee off at 8:30am am.

2015 Scholarship Recipient Jessica Marin.

2015 Scholarship Recipient Jessica Marin.

The day will continue with a luncheon, awards ceremony, silent auction and raffle. The luncheon is included for all golfers and a special “Lunch Only” price is provided for non-golfers wishing to support our cause.



2nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament Scholarship Recipients.

2nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament Scholarship Recipients.

Contact us for details and forms on our sponsorship opportunities as well as how you can donate a raffle or silent auction package.


For more information about OBAP and its 2016 partners, call or email:

Mr. Edwin Garcia – OBAP South Florida Chapter – obapsfl@obap.org Tel: 305-305-7378

Mr. Gabriel Parra – The Arc of South Florida – ghparra@arcsofla.org Tel: 305-759-8500

Mr. Darrell Roberts – SAFEE FLIGHT – Darrell.Roberts@faa.gov

See you on the Green on November 5th, 2016!

Stay in the loop!