Home The Women’s League of the Atlanta Black Chambers 4th Annual “Cocktails On The Course”

The Women’s League of the Atlanta Black Chambers 4th Annual “Cocktails On The Course”

by AAGD Staff

Date(s) - 09/29/2023
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Join the Women’s League for an enriching golf clinic, networking opportunities, shopping, and, of course, delightful cocktails!

Be a part of the Women’s League’s 4th Annual “Cocktails on the Course” event! Act quickly, as there are only 7 tickets left!

We are thrilled to announce our newest rock star sponsor for “Cocktails on the Course”: Power House Termite and Pest Control, Inc. Visit their website at PowerHousePestControl.com for more information.

Don’t battle the Friday 5:00 pm traffic—arrive at Château Élan early and make the most of your day. Explore the various activities available during the day at https://www.chateauelan.com/.

Then, as the day transitions into evening, join us at The Château Élan Golf Club for an unforgettable experience at “Cocktails on the Course.”

For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/4th-annual-cocktails-on-the-course-tickets-708135120207?aff=oddtdtcreator&fbclid=IwAR2_dn_zfj3xCtJXpLvWJPlZj2SyyZdsXFBEIQ95H3AvQd4mD_8aPdgDgdo


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