by Debert Cook

Micca Thomas_600x350The Appalachian Athletic Conference (AAC) held its annual golf championship at the Lake View Course at Calloway Gardens, Pine Mountain, Ga., on April 26-27, 2016, in great pre-summer like conditions and skilled golfer Micaa Thomas was well prepared. The two-day tournament featured 11 AAC Women Golf teams battling for an appearance at the National Association of Interscholastic Athletics (NAIA) National Golf Championship in May, in Savannah, Ga.

Micaa’ Thomas, a Freshman and member of the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Atlanta Campus, Women’s Golf Team, was the Medalist for this major event and won an opportunity to battle on the national stage in Savannah. Thomas is no stranger to competing in national events, as she in 2014 had the “Shot of the Day” on the Golf Channel while competing in the First Tee Nature’s Valley Golf Championship at Pebble Beach, in Ca., with her partner, Olin Browne, PGA professional.

Micaa’ is a graduating member of the First Tee of Greater Washington DC, an affiliate of the Sisters Who Swing Golf Association, and the Wake Robin Golf Association. She achieved academically as a National Honor Student and athletically with three golf championships at Archbishop Spalding High School.


On the first day of the AAC, Thomas, 5’4″ tall and 130-lbs, was two strokes behind the leader with a score of 77 on a tight, narrow course with plenty of trouble spots to ruin a golfer’s day. Complicating things were five other players who were all tied with her on that day. Thomas amazed spectators when she scored four birdies, out of six holes, on the front nine with a hot putter.


In preparation for the final day, 18-year old Thomas committed herself to her plan and readied for the surge of numerous, talented upper-class golfers. “Everyone knew she was a Freshman and showed her a lot of respect based on her abilities demonstrated in previous tournaments,” said her doting father Michael Thomas. “However, she found a way to stay on pace with her plan.”

The highlight of Thomas’ performance showed forth on the final day, when she captured an Eagle on a Par 5 with an incredible draw shot to the green, from 180 yards out on a doglegged course, landing on the green for par.

Micca Thomas-500-1

(Above) Micaa’ Thomas in front of the final scoreboard. 

Her greatest challenge was at hole18, which was surrounded by a large lake. There, her ball was nearly plugged into thick grass on the rim of the bunker. Thomas eventually scored on the hole and had enough cushion to win by one stroke.


“Micaa’ has been absolutely amazing this season!” says her Coach Wyatt C. Graff who has been coaching at SCAD Atlanta since the inception of Athletics in 2010. “She has already tied our school-record with a round of one-over 73 at the Slammer and Squire Course at the World Golf Village and, now. for her to qualify for the NAIA Women’s Golf National Championship is just a great way to cap an amazing freshmen year.”


Coach Graff proudly confirms that Thomas is the first student-artist-athlete at SCAD Atlanta to win an invitation as an individual to the NAIA National Golf Championship.



Currently, Micaa’ is ranked 42nd in the NAIA with a 78.14 stroke average. That’s the fifth-best scoring average of any NAIA freshman in the country. “I knew that Micaa’ would be a solid contributor to the team coming in, but she has exceeded my expectations. She’s going to be special,” comments Coach Graff who is enjoying his sixth season of coaching, both the men and women golfers, at SCAD Atlanta.



About Those Challenges
“Micaa’ does several things well with her golf game. One of her biggest strengths is that she can focus and get “in the zone” like no other player I’ve coached. Not many young ladies know how to do that. They don’t allow themselves to do that. Micaa’ does.”

Related:  Micca’ Thomas On The Rise

Accordingly, Coach Graff recommends that Micaa’ learns course management “in order to get to the next level.”   He confirms that Micaa’ is a very aggressive player. “On some courses, you can get away with it, but not all courses. Once she learns how to be more strategic with her shot selection, the NAIA better watch out!”


In a meeting, before the second round of their Direct Qualifier, Coach Graff met with the ladies and said that he wanted to change up the order of play. “I said that we weren’t going to order the pairings by score, but whoever went out first needed to set the tone and fire a low number.” Coach recalls that Micaa’ immediately volunteered. “There wasn’t even any hesitation. Her confidence is unmatched and she has been a huge part of why the SCAD Atlanta women’s golf team is ranked 11th in the NAIA.”


“Micaa’ carries a grade point average of 3.2 and is she is majoring in 3D Animation with a concentration in visual effects and motion graphics at SCAD.  She will be returning to Maryland in early June to compete with Canadians in the Niagara Falls, NY area, in a college golf tour to remain competitive for her college golf career,” announced her father Michael, further sharing that companies and others can make tax-deductible contributions in Micaa’s name online to the Sisters Who Swing Golf Association (SWSGA).  “This will help to cover golf instruction fees and summer college tournament expenses, including entry fees, airline fares, food, gas, car rental, hotel, etc.”  As an alternative, tax-deductible contributions may also be mailed to: Michael Thomas, P. O. Box 1243, Bowie, MD 20718. Please contact Michael Thomas for more information on how to support Micaa’s golf via email at mthomas3399@hotmail.com or call him at 240-432-2997.

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