Home Golfer Of The Week Golf, Academics, and Entrepreneurship is Daryn Dickens’ Triple Play

Golf, Academics, and Entrepreneurship is Daryn Dickens’ Triple Play

by AAGD Staff
Daryn Dickens (photo: Howard University Athletics)

Daryn Dickens, an 18-year-old freshman at Howard University, is making significant strides in both her academic and athletic pursuits. Having recently completed her first year at the Historically Black University, she is majoring in History and is yet to declare a minor. Daryn’s journey is distinguished by her selection for the Future Entrepreneurs Program by Wells Fargo, an opportunity that has provided her with invaluable experiences and connections.

For Daryn, being selected for the Future Entrepreneurs Program was a monumental achievement. She expressed immense gratitude towards First Tee and Wells Fargo for the opportunity. “This opportunity was exceptional, from being among three First Tee alumni who played at Quail Hollow in the Wells Fargo Championship Pro-Am on May 8, with Tommy Fleetwood and Michael Collins, to getting in contact with my mentor,” she said. Daryn highlighted the importance of diversity in golf, noting that initiatives like this help HBCU students gain exposure in a sport that traditionally lacks representation from diverse backgrounds.

Daryn Dickens, from Howard University, receives mid-round instruction from Tommy Fleetwood during the Wells Fargo Championship Pro-Am on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, in Charlotte, N.C. Dickens was selected to play as a part of Wells Fargo’s Future Entrepreneurs program, which provided a trio of HBCU students the opportunity to play in the Pro-Am, along with receiving mentorship and professional development opportunities. (Matt Kelley/AP Images for Wells Fargo)

The program has had a profound impact on Daryn’s outlook on her future. She received valuable insights into her golf game from professional golfers Tommy Fleetwood and Seamus Power, learning about areas for improvement. Moreover, the networking opportunities, including a meeting with Tony Vann, have broadened her horizons. “I ultimately plan to utilize what I learned this week into my golf and professional life,” she stated, emphasizing the dual benefit of enhancing both her athletic and professional skills.

Golf has played a pivotal role in shaping Daryn’s personal and academic development. The sport has instilled in her discipline, mental strength, and focus. She candidly shared her struggles with maintaining personal discipline in golf and how it affected her performance. However, these challenges taught her the importance of consistency and mental fortitude, lessons she applies to her academic and professional goals. Setting and adhering to goals has become a cornerstone of her development strategy.

Daryn Dickens (photo: Instagram)

One of the standout aspects of the Wells Fargo Pro-Am event for Daryn was the mentorship and networking opportunities. She formed a meaningful connection with Tony Vann, with plans to shadow him over the summer to gain insights into corporate law. This mentorship aligns with her aspirations in the legal field and exemplifies her proactive approach to leveraging the opportunities provided by the program.

Balancing her academic commitments at Howard University with her passion for golf and entrepreneurial pursuits has not been without challenges. Daryn mentioned the difficulty of finding time to practice golf independently, as she does not play for Howard’s golf team. To overcome this, she prioritized her weekends for practice and plans to continue this routine with increased consistency in the upcoming academic year.

Tommy Fleetwood poses with First Tee alumni and Wells Fargo Future Entrepreneur Program participants – Alex Burnett (North Carolina Central University), Darius Laws (University of Maryland Eastern Shore) and Daryn Dickens (Howard University) – and golf analyst Michael Collins during the Wells Fargo Championship Pro-Am on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, in Charlotte, N.C. (Matt Kelley/AP Images for Wells Fargo)

Giving Back to the Community

Daryn is also committed to giving back to her community, particularly to underrepresented youth in golf. She has already hosted a golf clinic in collaboration with her First Tee chapter, targeting underrepresented youth. Looking ahead, she plans to continue these clinics and possibly organize tournaments. Her dedication to supporting her First Tee community is evident, as she aims to provide similar opportunities to other participants, ensuring they have access to the same transformative experiences she had.

Daryn Dickens exemplifies the integration of academic excellence, athletic dedication, and entrepreneurial spirit. Her journey is marked by resilience, proactive learning, and a commitment to community service. As she continues to navigate her path at Howard University and beyond, Daryn’s story serves as an inspiration to many young individuals, especially those from underrepresented backgrounds, striving to balance multiple pursuits and make a positive impact in their communities.

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