Home Golf Tips How To Properly Place Your Ball Marker, With LPGA Golf Professional Ashaunta Epps

How To Properly Place Your Ball Marker, With LPGA Golf Professional Ashaunta Epps


Ashaunta Epps, LPGA Golf Professional with A Perfect Swing Golf in Charlotte, North Carolina, talks golf etiquette and the proper way to mark your ball. The USGA rule related to ball markers is Rule 14 in the Rules of Golf, which covers “Procedures for Ball: Marking, Lifting and Cleaning.” In this rule, it details how a player should mark the position of the ball, lift and clean the ball when allowed, and replace the ball after lifting.

Under the Rules of Golf, any number of artificial objects — a beer tab, a tee, the toe of your putter, a lucky penny — are fair game. The key word being artificial. Using a natural object, such as a twig or a leaf, is considered improper marking, and it carries a one-stroke penalty. Ashaunta goes over the specifics in properly using the ball marker.

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