Home Golfer Of The Week Jeanna Brown

Jeanna Brown

by Debert Cook


Jeanna Brown

Jeanna-Brown-4 (September 30, 2011)–Los Angeles resident, Jeanna Brown knows all about getting a ‘second wind’. A distance runner since high school, Jeanna has been jogging 3-4 miles several times a week for years to stay fit and healthy.

Jeanna was born in St. Paul, Minn., and is a Life Coach by trade. She learned the game of golf from her father and it still benefits her well today, as CEO/Owner of her own firm.

Although she is not a member of any women’s golf clubs, yet, the tall bachelorette loves surfing the web to seek out golf outings and group meet-ups. Her favorites include WomenOnCourse.com and the Ladies Twilight Golf League.

“I often play with business friends, both men and women,” says the 40-year-old. “Mainly my father taught me to play golf and he did a good job.” Coach Jeanna also keeps her game on track with expert personal training and has received technical assistance from Los Angeles golf instructor, Mark A. Moore.

JeannaBrown2“Golf instruction has great benefits and we all need someone to tweak our game–the swing, keeping our head down, shifting our weight, what club to use. Often, you will find that by using an instructor you will play better,” says Coach Jeanna, who also enjoys movies and traveling.

Jeanna attended the University of St. Thomas, (St. Paul, MN) and earned a Degree in Communication and Business. She also holds California Real Estate and Life Insurance licenses and is author of “Look and Feel Fabulous Now,” a health and fitness book with tips on staying in shape that answers most common questions asked of Coach Jeanna.

“I motivate people to accomplish their personal and professional goals. I Link people together and host a radio show, titled “Ladies Let’s Talk With Coach Jeanna” and “Friday Boost.” The Speaker and Life Coach also avails herself to being a virtual coach, where there are no boundaries, easily reaching her clients by means of technology through conference calls, Skype and other ways.

Jeanna tries to play golf at least once a week at courses near her home– Scholl Canyon, Westchester, Brookside and the El Sugundo Golf Course. Admittedly she says, “My greatest challenge is being patient when I am having a very off day. I always want more; want to hit longer, straighter, get a better score. It is relaxing to play, but also a very mental game–and I enjoy the challenge!”

“My father wanted me to learn to play golf when I was in high school—I went to a predominately white school and we had a golf team—but, I had zero interest. Instead, I ran track. The two sports seasons overlapped, and I was not willing to give up track. Then along came Tiger Woods. And suddenly, I changed my mind about golf; I got the golf bug big time! I have even recruited many of my female friends to pick up the sport, and slowly over the years, they have learned to love the game too.

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