Home Entertainment King Tut, The Golden Age of the Pharaohs

King Tut, The Golden Age of the Pharaohs

by Debert Cook

King Tut-3Face the boy king, King Tutankhamun, and behold the massive treasures of his tomb. Regal and surrounded by all the best that Egypt had to offer his short life, of just 18-years, would become one of world’s most sought-after exhibitions.


The legendary treasures of King Tut, first time in a generation, permit visitors to the exhibition with an extraordinary opportunity to revel in the splendor of the ancient Egyptian world.


The journey back in time begins as you enter a corridor of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs surrounded by a dazzling array of possessions unearthed from this tomb of treasure. Priceless antiquities are displayed, exactly as English archaeologist Howard Carter discovered them inside of the 3,000-year-old tomb on November 1922.


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Some visitors may be disappointed to find out that none of the original treasures would be on display. However, once inside, you will be amazed at how authentic the handcrafted reproductions are.  Some of the world’s most skilled artisans have done an impressive job in detailing every item.   Even without the original artifacts being displayed, the exhibit is definitely worthwhile for those who are interested in Egyptian history.

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New scientific findings about King Tut will also be on display for the first time in a gallery devoted to the latest DNA studies and other forensic information about his life and death.

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News of Carter’s discovery in the Valley of the Kings spread rapidly across the globe. This exhibition, through 10 galleries and 130 artifacts, gives visitors an opportunity to experience the world of the 18th Dynasty and world of the pharaoh like never before with highlights that include:


  • King Tut’s chariot has arrived at Discovery TSX. In its first appearance outside of Egypt, see the chariot that may have caused the death of King Tutankhamun.


  • See the Boy King’s golden canopic coffinette and the crown found on his head when the tomb was discovered


  • Learn about the extraordinary discovery of Tut’s tomb and the beliefs and funerary processes of ancient Egypt

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