Coach Gladys Lee is announcing upcoming lessons and clinics. A six-week clinic begin March 8 at Irving Golf Course and will continue for the next five months from through July 5, running from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.
The schedule includes three sessions:
• First session: March 8 – April 12 ($500, valued at $1,800)
• Second session: April 19 – May 24 ($500, valued at $1,800)
• Third session: May 31 – July 6 ($500, valued at $1,800)
In celebration of her recent induction into the Texas Black Sports Hall of Fame, Coach Lee is offering this $1,800 series to the first eight women who register for just $500. Each session includes six weeks of instruction, with two-hour lessons every Saturday at Irving Golf Course. This offer is available for five months only.
Individual lessons are also available by appointment:
• Adult Women & Men: $150 per hour or $250 for a three-hole on-course evaluation (Par 3, 4, and 5).
• Youth (ages 9-17): $75 per hour or $125 for a three-hole on-course evaluation (Par 3, 4, and 5).
For more information or to register for the clinics contact Gladys Lee (LPGA Class A Member) at 214-212-9475, or email coach.leelpgapro@gmail.com or visit www.roaringlambsjrgolf.com