Home Bookshelf One Man’s Opinion: Together We Can Do This – Book Review

One Man’s Opinion: Together We Can Do This – Book Review

by Debert Cook

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Reviewed by Otis Windham

Dr. Jesse J. Lewis, Sr. is a well known and a respected icon of the Birmingham (Ala.) community.  He has lived through and participated in many of the defining moments in Birmingham and American history. He is a successful businessman and a pillar of his Alabama community. In his ninety-fifth season, he has recently published his third book.

This author recently had the opportunity to review this book and pose questions regarding this latest work: “One Mans Opinion Together We Can Do This.”

Dr. Lewis is a no-nonsense, cut to the chase, type individual. His ability to assess a problem and formulate creative solutions demonstrates the depth of his innate strength and talent.
His tribute to his wife Helen and his family shows his appreciation for those who have ushered him to success in his life journey.

“One Man’s Opinion Together We Can Do This” is a very clear picture of Jesse L. Lewis, the man. He is dedicated to spreading his message of the power of the vote, education, and business ownership as keys to winning the new struggle Blacks now face in America.

He has posed specific challenges and has proposed innovative solutions to improve the fortunes of future generations. For example, Starting our children’s education at the age of three instead of the traditional six years would help bridge the learning and achievement gap between Blacks and the population at large.

His legacy is contained in this work. His knowledge, wisdom, experience and his willingness to share this valuable insight and information is to be admired.

He stresses the importance of mentorship to those desiring to start their own business. More Black-owned business in our community benefits us all in many ways.

This book contains a wealth of historical and statistical information that can be used to motivate and inspire those seeking an upward path as business owners and entrepreneurs.

The foreword by esteemed former mayor of New Orleans and current head of the National Urban League, Marc Morial, gives testament to the role Dr. Lewis has played as a champion of economic empowerment and in chronicling the civil rights movement.

There is a moving dedication to his wife, Helen. They were married sixty-two years and she was and still is his inspiration for many of his life accomplishments.

This book is written in a first person narrative, which is a refreshing and ingenious way to tell one’s story. Those who know Dr. Lewis will get the impression they are having a casual conversation with him as they read this book, but the information presented and the subject matter discussed here are dead serious.

He describes his early life in detail. He was raised by his grandmother along with four other cousins who were all boys near his age and he was the eldest. The family was poor and all members of their household had to contribute to ensuring the livelihood of the family. As the eldest, the expectations for him were great. His grandmother instilled values, provided wisdom, discipline, and, most importantly love, to him and his cousins that are still part of who he is today.

Dr. Lewis has led a remarkable life. Lesser men would have probably quit under such dire circumstances. His life is both a testament to the times he has lived through and to the man he was able to become.

He does not skirt around Racism as a long-standing problem in America and the world. The book states that though Whites have much responsibility to make America a level playing field for all, Blacks also now have the power to change the effects of this reality.

“With the power of the ballot, African Americans would be able to transform the misdeeds of bloodthirsty mobs into the good works of productive citizens.” – Dr. Jesse L. Lewis.

Per Dr. Lewis, the complexion of the problem Blacks now face has changed considerably. Education, Voting, and business ownership are the keys to addressing this new problem.
This book is a memoir and with a message. That message is “Together We Can Do This.”

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