Home Interviews Patrina King, CEO, Golf Women Mean Business, Speaks to the question: “Should The Next LPGA Commissioner Be A Black Woman?”

Patrina King, CEO, Golf Women Mean Business, Speaks to the question: “Should The Next LPGA Commissioner Be A Black Woman?”

by Debert Cook
Patrina King Interview

February 10, 2021 | Interview by Kelley Pierre

As CEO and Founder of Golf Women Mean Business (GWMB). Patrina King has decades of experience and success in business and leadership. GWMB goes beyond providing awareness and enjoyment for its members by educating and equipping business professionals to leverage golf to further career and organizational goals. 

​”We serve the needs of career and business professionals by advancing the participation of women in ‘business golf’ through the facilitation of group and corporate workshops. 90% of our participants and members have never touched a golf club before,” says Ms. King. 

“We help women leaders build meaningful relationships and
achieve greater influence with “Business First and Golf Second.”

In an in-depth interview, King shares her thoughts on diversity, inclusion, and equality in the current landscape of golf while candidly offering her opinion on the popular question: Should the next LPGA Commissioner be a Black woman?

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