Home Career The Revamped (summer 2023) Inclusion Guidelines for Golf Facilities is Now Available

The Revamped (summer 2023) Inclusion Guidelines for Golf Facilities is Now Available

by AAGD Staff

Golf is a sport that has been cherished by individuals of all ages and backgrounds for centuries. Nonetheless, despite its enduring popularity, there exist substantial barriers that hinder complete participation in the sport for many. These barriers manifest in physical, financial, or social aspects, rendering golf an exclusive and inaccessible endeavor for many.

For facilities seeing to become a more inclusive space, attract a broader consumer base, and bolster revenue, the revamped (summer 2023) Inclusion Guidelines for Golf Facilities is now available. The Guide is a part of Make Golf Your Thing’s commitment to providing industry resources.

The guidelines feature a glossary of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) terms, along with a set of assessments tailored to measure inclusivity efforts. Each assessment comprises a series of questions related to marketing and communication, the external and internal physical environment, policies, practices, procedures, and staff within your facility. In our ongoing quest to build inclusive golf environments, we aspire that these guidelines assist you and your team in advancing DEI within the industry.

You can access these guidelines and other industry resources at makegolfyourthing.org.

The Inclusion Guidelines for Golf Facilities were crafted to aid facilities and the golf industry professional in gaining a deeper understanding of how inclusivity is being put into practice. Much like in golf, there are areas where one excels and others that have room for improvement in terms of inclusion.

These guidelines were not designed to point out shortcomings but rather to recognize, measure, and celebrate all the positive efforts being made, while also offering a framework for areas that have the potential for growth. The overarching objective of this tool is to assist the industry in comprehending the means to establish an inclusive environment that extends a warm welcome to all individuals, regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, or socioeconomic status. The Guide is available at https://makegolfyourthing.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/InclusionGuidelines-2023.pdf?_gl=1ij4v0t_gaNjI2NzY1NTc0LjE2NjgwMDE3MTk._ga_61ML3Z2QJ5*MTY5NTEzMDgyNS4xMjQuMS4xNjk1MTMyMDQwLjAuMC4w

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