Home Golfer Of The Week Tommie”Brother Rapp” Smith

Tommie”Brother Rapp” Smith

by Debert Cook


Tommie”Brother Rapp” Smith

(May 3, 2011)–Tommie “Brother Rapp” Smith, “K-A-Psi” loves to play golf and says that when it comes to protocol, “The rules of the game are the most fairest for all. You ca  n’t blame anyone but yourself.”

Bro-Rapp-Brown_IMG_0955aSmith was born in Brownsville, Tennessee and gained exposure to the game as sort of a class reunion joke that turned into a challenge by a former classmate back in 1991.  “It was January, during the middle of winter,” as Smith recalls.

The Topeka, Kansas resident earned a B.S. degree in Journalism and Masters Public Administration from the University of Kansas and works as a Carrier Associate with the U.S. Postal Serivce.

Smith’s home course is the Western Hills Golf Club (Topeka, KS) and the 12 handicapper gets out on the greens to play 4-6 times a week.  “Golf is the ultimate individual challenge within oneself, relative to the sporting world,” says the single father with one daughter.

He is a member of the USGA, Greatlife Golf & Fitness and is a member of a local golfing group which he proclaims refuses to play the ball as it lies. “My biggest challenge with the game of golf is in getting others to play the ball as it lies, so that they won’t “lie” about their score!”

Active in local tournaments throughout the area, Smith, 57, last competed in the popular annual Little Giant Golf Classic presented by The Little Giant and Horace Stevenson Foundation and usually held over Labor Day Weekend in Oklahoma City.

Smith has a suitcase full of great quotes to keep him and his buddiBro-Rapp-Brown_2es on the greens, including one of his favorites from“Brother Preacher W. N. Reed who once said,‘I’m Living in the Red!,’” claims Smith. “Retired, but working to maintain my golfing interest.”

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