Home News Wissahickon Boys and Girls Club Youth Benefit From Golf Instruction

Wissahickon Boys and Girls Club Youth Benefit From Golf Instruction

by Debert Cook

Screen Shot 2016-04-28 at 9.58.56 PMThe Strokers Golf Club of Philadelphia introduced golf basics to youth at the Wissahickon Boys and Girls Club on April 12. Strokers Golf Club is a national organization that began in Atlanta to support African Americans in the sport. The Philadelphia branch was founded in 2001.

Photo: Wissahickon Boys and Girls club youth practice golf basics, as demonstrated by The Strokers Golf Club of Philadelphia. — Submitted Photo/The Strokers Golf Club of Philadelphia


During the youth training session, they sought to expose youth to a nontraditional sport.

“It’s important we expose minorities to the game as much as possible. Guys like Charlie Sifford, Lee Elder, Calvin Pete [and] Tiger Woods have paved the way for minorities to play the game. If it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t be playing,” said Gene Little, of the Strokers’ Executive Committee. “Fifty years ago, minorities were not allowed on [private] courses. The only way was to be a caddy and carry the clubs. [And] there’s still clubs now that don’t allow Blacks to get past the interview process.”

Philadelphia Strokers Golf Club

photo:  Strokers Golf Club of Philadelphia at White Clay Creek, Willmington, DE (2015)

Little explained that the “private clubs, where they are very selective, were isolated and earmarked for Caucasians and didn’t allow African Americans to become members.”

Michael Roepel, also a member of the Strokers’ executive committee, agreed, stating that “there are still clubs where Black people are not allowed.”

Read more by Samaria Bailey Tribune Correpsondent at Philly Tribune


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