Monday, May 7, 2018, I had the privilege to work with Isaiah Leslie on his golf swing. Isaiah’s father, Binford Leslie, had spoken to me about his son and asked if I would look at his golf swing, ball flight, and work with him on it all. We met after school at Madison Golf Center in Huntsville, AL.
A Firm Handshake with Eye Contact
Our Youth is our Future
After Isaiah and I went through my introductory process– as I do with all students, I asked him for a firm handshake with eye contact. The students share with me their whole name, age, grade, the school they attend and their career plans (both plan A and plan B!). Not surprising today, most student’s plans are to become a professional football or basketball player, or rapper (I always suggest they have a plan B, in case their plan A doesn’t work out.) You’d be surprised to know that not many people have ever asked a young person about their career goals or what they want to be when they grow into adults. I have found that this is true even among the parents and school counselors of my students.

Golf student Isiah Leslie practices his swing while his father Binford Leslie observes.
During the course of the lesson, I ask other questions of the students, such as what are their favorite foods and what seasons of the year they prefer. I also shared some of my life experiences. I found that when a young person trusts or confides in an older adult, that young person will also most likely listen to advice and instructions. As the old saying goes: “A student doesn’t care how much you know until they know how much you care about them-Anonymous.”
Binford expressed to me that his son Isaiah, needed help with his golf ball hooking left. After reviewing Isaiah’s golf swing, I noticed several other things that would help and improve his golf swing and process.
After Isaiah implemented my suggestions, he began to have more confidence in his swing. Of course, he would hook one every now and then, but overall, he quickly grasped what I shared with him. Our goal was not to change his swing but to be aware of other factors in a golf swing and the game of golf.
There is nothing like working with a young person in golf who is coachable, exhibits good manners and good work ethics. I also spoke of a young man named, Chancellor, (read more about this in my previous blog/ LIR (Life in Regulation) about my mission and passion in helping to grow and develop youth, ages 7-18, into good and strong productive citizens. Isaiah Leslie is another young person who I assure you will follow this road to success in life.
Howard Bankhead
Executive Director
Tennessee Valley Youth Golf Development
604 Jordan Lane
Huntsville, AL 35816 USA