(April 12, 2018) The 24th Annual Women’s Collegiate Championship took place at Whitewater Creek Country, 175 Birkdale Dr., Fayetteville, Georgia on April 9 – 11, 2018. Hosted by The Women in Golf Foundation, Inc.(WIGF) the tournament presents exciting competition while showcasing talent from some of America’s top Universities women’s golf programs as they compete for the “Renee Powell Cup”. The trophy honors Renee Powell, a pioneer African American Female professional golfer.
Congratulations to:
1st Place – Alabama State University
2nd Place – North Carolina A&T
3rd Place – Texas Southern University
MORE….24th Annual Women’s Collegiate Golf Championship

Coach Jamila Johnson (far right) and UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EASTERN SHORE team. Coach Johnson played in the very First Women’s Collegiate Championship!