Cedar Crest Golf Course (formerly Cedar Crest Country Club) of Dallas, TX is now listed as one of the official LPGA Playing Ability Test Sites. The legendary course, once private is now open to the public to enjoy. Designed by A.W. Tillinghast and renovations by D.A. Weibring/Golf Resources, Inc., Cedar Crest continues to be a favorite of Dallas golf enthusiasts.
“I am so grateful to Ira Molayo Director/ General Manager Cedar Crest Golf Course and his partner David Ridley, Founders of “I Am a Golfer Foundation,” established with a mission to be a catalyst for community renewal and transformation in South Dallas!” said Gladys Lee, LPGA Class A Professional, Coach, Teacher, Mentor and PAT Host.
Lee initially approached the LPGA and proposed the idea of Cedar Crest to be an official testing site for women to take their Playing Ability Test. “The test has to be given by an LPGA Class A Woman Professional which was given to me to oversee as a Host at the Site,” says Coach Lee.
All those applying for membership with the LPGA Professionals must pass a Playing Ability Test (PAT) during the application process. Karine O’Neal an LPGA apprentice at Brookhaven Country Club took her test at Cedar Crest shortly after the Womens PGA Hdc.Tour and her experience was one which Coach Lee hopes will encourage others to take a leap of faith and apply with the LPGA to join the most prestigious women’s sports organization in the world!
Coach Lee also gave sincere thanks to Mayor Eric Johnson, Mayor Pro Tem of Dallas, Carolyn Arnold of District 4, Founder Director National Black Dance Theater Ann Williams, Executive Director, I Am a Golfer Foundation, Chuck Walker, SouthWest Airlines, HBCU Classic 2023, Ladies Professional Golf Association and everyone who is involved and supporting The future of golf in Dallas and Ft. Worth, Texas. “It is Epic! Thanks for the Support of all the leaders and their vision for growing golf for diversity equity and inclusion.”