December 2, 2020 | BY GLADYS LEE
Congratulations are in order for members of DFW Fairway Divas and Fairway Gents! LaSheryl Walker, Royalyn Reid, Dr. Sheron Patterson, Coach Lee, Bill Eaton, and Eric Walker represented the Divas and Gents by supporting Texas Golf Association on December 1 at Tuesday “Giving” at the Firewheel Golf Course.Â
Hat’s off to all participants and congrats to Bill Eaton and Eric Walker for coming in 2nd Place by shooting a Net Score of 66 in the Men’s Flight.
Saturday Golf Reminder LPGA Golf 102
Session # 4: 12/5/20
Where: Texas Golf CenterÂ
Tee Time: 12:30pm – 2:30pm
Cost: $17.00
Session # 5: 12/12/20
Where: Arlington Golf CenterÂ
Time: 12:00pm – 2:00pm
Cost:Â $10.00
Session # 6: 12/ 19/ 20 – TBA
Assignment Reminder !!!Â
Yardages: 50 yd., 75 yd., 100 yd, .125 yd., 150 yd.
Please come early Saturday, before your 12:30pm tee time… Pay your green fee, get a small or medium bucket of golf balls and come to the driving range. I have a lesson with a junior golfer and will be at the range prior to 12:30 tee time.Â
REQUIRED !!!R & AÂ USGAÂ Player’s Edition of theRules of Golf and Christina Ricci (yellow book) “A Girls On-Course Survival Guide to Golf “
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, confirm your tee time and …
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, Adhere to instructions!!!
Thanks to all and be blessed.
Coach Lee
P.S. PLEASE wear your Purple, if its cold wear black long sleeve layers under your Purple.