Home King George R. Hull Memorial Golf Tournament

King George R. Hull Memorial Golf Tournament

by AAGD Staff

Date(s) - 05/22/2024
8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Join us for a day of Sportsmanship, Fellowship and Friendship!

We are thrilled to invite you to support our 13th annual King George R. Hull Memorial Golf Tournament which will be held at the Village Links of Glen Ellyn in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Where your passion for golf meets the power of making a positive impact on the lives of children. This years extraordinary event will continue to benefit the juniors of The National Bowling Association, Inc., (TNBA).

To register for the golf tournament, donate, or become a sponsor please click in the box above and fill out the registration. You may pay by either check or cash (payable to JP & SP, Inc), and mail it to the address listed on the invoice. If you pay by Zelle (419)283-2122 or Paypal – tnbajpandsp@gmail.com (check sending to a friend), please notate in comment section of the registration page and select the cash option.

Every Dollar Counts! Your support of the golf tournament will help fund scholarships for juniors of
The National Bowling Association, Inc.!

“Without education, there is no hope for our people and without hope, our future is lost.”- Author Charles Hamilton Houston

For more information please contact:
Tracy Smith 951-206-5794/iecommdir@yahoo.com
Queen Johanna LaRosa 305-632-8922
Eugene McCown 562-243-0279/ecmcsr@gmail.com
King Robert Danzy 518-507-2218

Stay in the loop!