Home LPGA Golf 101 Set to Begin 6-week New Golfer Sessions in Dallas, TX

LPGA Golf 101 Set to Begin 6-week New Golfer Sessions in Dallas, TX

by Debert Cook

Date(s) - 01/08/2022 - 02/02/2022
All Day

Golf Club of Dallas

LPGA Golf 101 is an Intro to Golf Program —conducted by Women for Women.  The program follows the overall student-centered LPGA Integrated Performance System to guide participants through a comprehensive, 6-module, “Welcome to Golf” program for new, or relatively new, female golfers.  Experienced Coach Gladys Lee will administer this instructional effort at the Golf Club of Dallas in Dallas, TX.

Through the program, golfers take the first steps in learning to play and enjoy the game of golf.

For more information and to register contact Coach Gladys Lee at coach.leelpgapro@gmail.com

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