Home Players Golf Association 8th Annual TPGA Golf Tournament

Players Golf Association 8th Annual TPGA Golf Tournament


Date(s) - 05/13/2022 - 05/15/2022
All Day

Deerbrook Golf Club

Benefiting Autism and Jr. Golf Deerbrook Golf Club 201 Deerbrook Drive Shelby, NC 28097 Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, May 13, 14 & 15, 2022 FRIDAY SKIN GAME OPTIONAL $75.00 (includes green fee, cart fee, and skin purse).

$5,600.00 Amateur Golf Tournament 36 HOLE MEDAL PLAY Shotgun: 1:00 PM Friday Skins Game (optional) Shotgun: 2:00 PM Saturday. Be at the course by 1:00 PM Shotgun: 8:00 AM Sunday. Be at the course by NLT 7:30 AM.

Ladies Flight – Entry Fee: $175.00 (Minimum = 8 Ladies) ENTRY FEE: $175.00 per person (includes green fees & carts) $TPGATPGA2 Cash App or PayPal Longest Drive on Saturday Skin Pot on Friday & Saturday Payment due Friday, May 6, 2022 Food will be served Saturday and Sunday at the golf course right after play

For additional information, contact: Carol “CC” Clarke, Assistant Tournament Director 704-957-0574 Terrain Gill, Assistant Tournament Director 919-696-0886 Andre Robinson, Assistant Tournament Director 704-634-9001 Colonel Hopper, Assistant Tournament Director 704-675-2379 Anthony Martin, Assistant Tournament Director 980-225-4657 theplayersgolfassociation@gmail.com www.theplayersgolfassociation.com