Home Blog George Floyd, Where Do We Go From Here?

George Floyd, Where Do We Go From Here?

by Debert Cook
john perry

June 1, 2020 —I don’t know where to begin since this mess keeps happening, again and again.
In the case of George Floyd, you can say, his skin was his sin, okay;
When are we gonna resist hate and realize that all lives matter, the senseless killings of
Black people in America is off the charts, just check the data;
Public execution was thought to be a thing of the past, but Police Officer Derek Chauvin
reinstated it, when he parked his knee on Floyd’s neck, so that his inability to breathe, became his last;


Officer Derek Chauvin has been identified as the officer pinning down Floyd, for nearly 9 minutes, in the now-viral video, which shows Floyd saying he can’t breathe repeatedly before losing consciousness. Floyd later died. Four officers on scene have been fired. They have not yet been officially identified by department officials.

Talk about a misuse of power, became the cause of Floyd’s darkest hour, the other three Minneapolis police officers involved are guilty as well, but the corruption and politics of our judiciary system is obviously on display here, can’t you tell;

George Floyd-2

Racism in America has never gone away, I’m sorry to say, but for us to move forward, it’s no way in the hell it can stay;

I’m proud to see that non-people of color are finally starting to realize, about the 400 years of struggle as a people and why our eyes have to remain on the prize;

Those with morals and conscious and simple decency are advocates for peace, welcome to the fight whether you come from the north, the south, the west, or the east;

How America has portrayed and betrayed the Black male is no well-kept secret, so many people are not comfortable talking about racism in this country and calling a spade, a spade, they perceive the sunlight as the spotlight and they prefer the shade;

I’m not an advocate for violence, to say the least, I’m trying my best to make a difference, I’m trying my best to promote peace;

As MLK said, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, leave everybody blind, with no teeth, but here we are in 2020 with history repeating itself again and I’m sad to say I’m up to here with grief.

R.I.P. George Floyd

To the Floyd Family my condolences.
John Perry_2aJohn Perry is a freelance writer, poet, and active golfer with a passion for calling shots like he sees them and, then, telling it like it is. He resides in Orlando, Fla.

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