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Jamie Taylor’s Black Golf Directory, Linking Networks & Opportunities


November 6, 2020 | BY AAGD STAFF

Jamie Taylor, founder of the Black Golf Directory (BGD) talks with African American Golfer’s Digest radio host Marcus Hart about the launch of her enterprise and the development of a virtual career fair, all in an effort to help gain more employment and diversity in the golf industry. Her recently launched BGD is linking a conglomeration of Black golf networks to industry opportunities, with a special focus on virtual events. Jamie also shares information on golf industry internships, scholarships, and her own personal story of how her career in golf began.

After high school, Jaime attended Gannon University in Erie, PA, where she received a full ride to play on the women’s varsity team. Back then, as the only African American in her conference, Jaime served as captain her junior and senior year; was president of the Student Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC); and received her MBA.

Her career as an LPGA Teaching and Club Professional began when she was hired as the first African American female Head Golf Professional for the Cleveland Metroparks in Cleveland, OH. There she ran 27-hole and 36-hole golf courses. Today, Jamie serves as Programs Manager for the LPGA Foundation.

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