Home News Jenny Bethune, Golf Auntie

Jenny Bethune, Golf Auntie

by Hannah Kirby

The game of golf is more than just 18 holes, each stroke opens the door to a plethora of opportunities on and off the green. These opportunities are fostered by those that have been in the game for a while and have seen all that golf has to offer. 

Jenny Bethune, a member of Tee Divas & Tee Dudes Golf club has been instrumental in the growth of juniors’ success in the golf world. Bethune knew early on she had a passion for youth success since her start in law enforcement. 

Jenny Bethune

Working for LA County as a deputy sheriff for over 30 years, has been one of Bethune’s most notable career experiences, with one pivotal moment being seeing youth move throughout juvenile court. From one specific instance she knew she wanted to commit herself to aiding young people in reaching their full potential.  

“There was one situation that made a lasting impression on me. A 16-year-old girl was in court and the judge asked her ‘Where is your mother?’ She said in jail. The judge then asked: ‘Where is your grandmother’ and the young lady said ‘She’s at home taking care of my baby’… she was in court at 16 for prostitution” Bethune said. 

As Bethune’s career progressed, she saw other cases, but nothing left a mark on her like that one.

“It must’ve been about two years later at the women’s jail, and I ran across the same woman. Now she’s graduated from the juvenile system to be in the adult system” Bethune said 

Within the South Los Angeles region there are not a lot of resources for the youth, especially absent within golf. A lot of people within the area are first generation golfers, junior golfers, and supporters. There’s no manual to begin with and it can be scary to take that leap of faith into the unknown especially when people are normally pushing pop warner or basketball. 

“Tee Divas and Tee Dudes along with our partner Inland Golf Academy and Riverside have become a resource center to help support competitive junior golfers in Southern California” Bethune mentioned. 

Tee Divas and Tee Dudes have become the kids’ aunties and uncles within the game of golf and life. Offering them coaching, mentorship, advice and more. The work that is done within the program is shaping the future of the industry, but they don’t do it alone. 

With help from Make Golf Your Thing and one of their initiatives, the Grassroots Grants. The program is designed to support organizations that are committed to exposing underrepresented groups to the game of golf. 

“This grant has allowed us to support and identify juniors who play golf. We’re able to bring them into our program, offset golf fees, provide trainings and clinics all because of this grant” 

Tee Divas and Tee Dudes have and will continue to promote success for their juniors and their golf careers. This past August the club had nine junior golfers graduate from their program and head to college. Seven of the graduates received scholarships and are currently playing on teams this fall. The seven recipients included:  Isaiah Gold and Salma Ibrahim (Southern University), Madison Williams (Prairie View A&M), Arihanna Esparza (UMES), Dontya Bell (CSU Dominguez Hills), Sehlai Purcell (Vanguard University), and Carolina Calzada (King University in Tennessee).

Jenny Bethune Scholars

The club’s success is evident. Not only from the success of junior golfers, but also the sustainability they have created within the community. To learn more about the club, visit https://teedivas-dudesgolf.com.


  • Hannah Kirby is a junior at Florida A&M University, majoring in broadcast journalism. She is a freelance writer for Make Golf Your Thing, specific to the Grassroots Grants and HBCU initiatives. She can be reached at hannahkirby236@gmail.com.

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