Home Jobs What Are Some of the Best Jobs In The Golf Industry?

What Are Some of the Best Jobs In The Golf Industry?

by Debert Cook

Golf is a way of life. It takes a lifetime to master the game. Whether you enjoy hitting long shots down the fairway at an award winning 18-hole course or perfecting your putts on the green at the local 9-hole course, golf will always bring a smile to your face.

A golfer finishes a swing on a stunning golf course
There’s something cool about being in the great outdoors and trying to hit a tiny ball into a tiny hole. Don’t believe us? Try it for yourself, or better yet, find one of the best jobs in the golf industry.

GolfToday.co.uk estimates that 60 million people play golf worldwide. It requires millions of people who want to make a living in the world of golf to support the global golfing industry. According to GolfDigest.com, the “golf industry generates $55 billion in annual wages.” Impressive, right? Are you ready to find a cool golf career?

ESPN.com writes that there are “34,011 golf courses in the world, 45 percent of which are in the United States.” With any luck, there’s a golf course near you. Why don’t you head to the closest course and play a round? That’s the best way to see if a career in golf is the right thing for you to pursue. It’s like giving your new “office” a test drive.

Let’s take a look at the best jobs in the golf industry:

Which of these jobs is right for you? That’s for you to decide. Every golf course needs people to care for the facilities, the clients, and the business. Add in all of the golf manufacturers and associations and you’ll soon realize how massive the golf industry really is. There are plenty of job opportunities for a true golf enthusiast.

Information provided by JobMonkey.com



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