Home George Lynch Celebrity Golf Invitational

George Lynch Celebrity Golf Invitational

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Date(s) - 08/22/2022
All Day

The Cramer Mountain Club

The first annual celebrity golf invitational hosted by retired NBA player, George Lynch in Cramerton, NC.

George is a retired NBA player and alum of UNC ’93 and is currently residing in Charlotte, NC. After a successful professional NBA and collegiate coaching career, he started Flight Nine Academy dba HBCU Heroes.
For the past 15 years has been giving back to provide a safe and educational environment for kids. HBCU heroes is dedicated to helping empower disadvantaged kids by providing opportunities to get or further their education, providing access to corporate exposure through job fairs, panels and workshops, and providing financial empowerment workshops.
The organization has a goal to raise $1,000,000 in order to maximize the impact. This Golf Invitational is another step towards educating, enlightening and impacting kids.
The George Lynch Golf Invitational is a great opportunity for you(r) company to support a worthy cause and at the same time receive valuable exposure.