Tee-Shaker is just what its name implies…a shaker for your tees! But really, it is a hand, dandy little item for helping you to always have your golf tees readily at hand. No more digging into your golf bag, pant, skirt or shorts to find a tee. Tee-Shaker has the answer.
Tee-Shaker was named Best New Product by the PGA Merchandise Show and rightly so. It will keep you focused on your golf game, rather than looking for tees. It costs average not more than the price of two golf balls. So, there’s no reason not to have a couple of these around for you use on the golf course, and to give a couple to friends. For organizatons, the Tee-Shaker is customizable and can hold a variety of colors and designs. Major corporations have benefited from the product including Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Mercedes, The US Army and many Fortune 500 companies. Perhaps your next golf tournament could benefit, too!